We introduced Emerson to one of my literary and cinematic heroes tonight.
Rosalind Russell as Auntie Mame.
She was introduced to me by my grandmother when I was about Emerson's age.
If you've never seen this movie, by all means, do. It's a must.
Here's the original trailer.
And just remember; "Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!"
Monday, March 30, 2009
Grab The Popcorn!
Posted by The Wife O Riley at 8:10 PM 15 comments
Sunday, March 29, 2009
The Wedding

Posted by The Wife O Riley at 9:22 AM 15 comments
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Six Word Saturday!
Posted by The Wife O Riley at 8:08 AM 13 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Find Your Own Old Man, This One is Mine!!!!!!
Things have been going a little better around here. Thanks to my good friend Poetikat for reminding me of Valerian Root. This wonderful herb that will help you stay asleep. I actually had some when she mentioned it and almost kicked myself for not thinking of it sooner.

Posted by The Wife O Riley at 7:17 PM 23 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
My Kingdom For A Good Night's Sleep!!!!
Last night, I was having the hardest time staying awake through dinner, the girls bath time, and blogging. I finally decided that we were all going to bed at 8:30. The girls were asleep instantly and so was Matt. I fell asleep pretty quick as well.
Feeling quite rested, I wake up, turn over to look at the clock. It's 10pm. I have only been asleep of about an hour and a half. I roll over and go back to sleep. I do this again at 12am, 3am, and 5am. Each time it is getting harder and harder to fall back asleep.
I know that sometimes I wake up because I'm hot, sometimes because I hear a noise. But I think my biggest problem is falling back asleep. I start thinking about stuff and then I get anxiety and can't relax.
Without getting into too much detail, we are having huge problems in our little corner of the world. Because problems are what they are, they don't wait for one to be solved before piling on more. I feel overwhelmed and all alone.
I'm not sure how blogging or commenting are going to fit in right now, but I'm going to try my hardest not to fall off the face of the earth.
Posted by The Wife O Riley at 11:04 AM 16 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
It Spring!!!
Which means renewal, a fresh start. It is time to open the windows and let out that stale winter air. It's time to paint your house, clean you hardwood floors, and box up the stuff for the future garage sale. It's SPRING CLEANING TIME!!!!!!
While Matt sleeps on the couch, I am coming up with a plan of action. Matt and the girls will be home all week, and trust me, each day there will be a list.
Now, you might think that I am some sort of Patton-like militant tyrant. But in my defense, Matt has been home for a while now and the only thing that's been cleaned is the Wii remote.
There is a lot of things that need to be done, and I'm afraid that the hot weather is going to be upon us sooner than we think and Matt will be back to working the really crazy hours until the fall.
So, it's now or never people!!! It's do or die!!! Take no prisoners...except I will be taking prisoners each day. When I leave for work each morning, the keyboard to the computer and the Wii remotes will mysteriously end up in my bag.
Posted by The Wife O Riley at 9:40 AM 12 comments
Saturday, March 21, 2009
I. Am. Livid.
As some of you know, there is no love loss between Emerson's 4th grade teacher and myself. If you didn't know, you can read about it here.
The second semester of 4th grade has been a much better experience for our family. As I had predicted, it just took Emerson a little more time to adjust to 4th grade, and now she has gained her sea legs.
With just a little coaxing from us, she has become much more organized. She writes all of her homework down in her assignment book, her desk is neater and her homework is getting in on time. Each week, if her Friday note is good, she get to do something special on Friday night.
Every trimester, if the kids get fewer than 5 late slips they get an ice cream sundae. Last trimester Emerson didn't make it and I felt terrible. I was convinced she was the only one who didn't make it.
This trimester, she did make it. When we got our weekly newsletter that the teacher wrote how happy she was that so many more kids made it this time, 8 all together.
8??!!!! That's not even half of the class!!!! How many made it last time? She even wrote that she was so proud of one of the students, she went from having 44 late slips to only having 6. But alas, she had more than 5 so she doesn't get ice cream. WTF??? A child improves that much and you can't throw her a bone? Shouldn't you look at the individual achievements?
So, ice cream sundae day came and that evening, we asked Emerson how it went. That's when she told us. The eight children sat in the middle of a circle of desks eating their ice cream while all the other children sat around them doing their work, watching them enjoy the treat.
Emerson said that some of the kids eating ice cream were almost taunting the children who weren't eating it.
One boy said, to no one in particular, that he would really love some ice cream.
The teacher replied "Then you should have worked harder."
Now, I ask you, what is the point of this? Why couldn't the kids who got the treat not go out for recess one day and have their ice cream without an audience? Why couldn't the teacher give the kids McDonald's bucks for $1 so they could get a sundae on their own?
The one thing that I try my hardest to teach my children is empathy. I love her school because it's the only school in the district that has uniforms. It really eliminates the problem of the haves and the have nots.
Why did she have to make such a spectacle of what one group of kids got and not the other?
I am so mad, I want to call and complain to the principle.
What do you guys think, am I overreacting?
Posted by The Wife O Riley at 6:22 AM 22 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
We Are Sort of At An Impasse.
Posted by The Wife O Riley at 6:52 PM 21 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Chokes me up every time!
Posted by The Wife O Riley at 12:00 AM 10 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
My Third and Final Review
I figured that I would end my series of Adult Toy reviews with what I refer to as a level 3 in my kink-o-meter. I would say that there are probably 5 levels in the kink-o-meter. One being prudish, with 5 being freaky.

Posted by The Wife O Riley at 8:47 PM 13 comments
Labels: Adult Gifts, Adult Toys, Eden Fantasys, Liquid Latex
Friday, March 13, 2009
I've Been a Bad Bloggy Friend!

Posted by The Wife O Riley at 10:56 PM 19 comments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Acid Flashback Friday
Before I give you this week's flashback Friday, I have a little story to tell.
Let me set the stage for you, Christmas 1993. My sister Erin is just about to open her Christmas present from my then boyfriend Matt.
A few weeks earlier, Matt had stood in line all night to get Erin her Christmas present. He got her tickets to see New Kids on The Block in the spring, her very favorite group at the time.
The look on Erin's face when she opened that little box that contained 2 tickets was priceless. She jumped up and down screaming and hugging Matt at the same time. It was a really heartfelt family moment.
Until 2 months later, when we got the awful news that NKOTB disbanded for good. Never to be heard from again.
Fast forward to March 2009, I'm at work and my phone rings. I pick it up only to hear screams and gurgling noises.
In sort of a panic, I demand that the person on the other end calm down and tell me what was going on! It was Erin, she was calling me to tell me that one of her friends had surprised her with tickets to see New Kids on The Block and she was so excited she was finally going to get to see them. She had to call me right away.
Last night was the concert and even though they are a little older and a little wiser, they probably can't do as many moves as they used to and they have definitely moved away from teen idol status, I hope they were everything she wanted them to be.
So, this week's Flashback Friday is dedicated to Erin, grasping a little part of her youth that eluded her for so long!
Remember Erin, keep Hangin' Tough!
Posted by The Wife O Riley at 11:19 PM 10 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Review Part II
The second review I have in the adult toy series from Eden Fantasys is for a game called Sex Casino Game.

This box contains 25 "outrageously fun bedroom games". The games include things like strip poker, sexy spinner, sexy dice and scratch and win cards.
As far as my "kink" level goes, this is definitely a 1. This game is really great if you want to spice things up in the bedroom and have absolutely no idea where to start. Very good for the reserved, and in case you haven't noticed, that's not really Matt and I. We would probably whip this game out at a party for everyone to play together.
Not that I'm saying we didn't have fun with it, it's just that the games are more like a jumping off point and we are already neck deep in the pool.
Each game takes about 15-20 minutes to play with the scratch off cards taking less time and strip poker taking more time. Most of the games give you little combination of things to try on your partner. The dice game has actions on one dice and body parts on another, you roll them together and then either give or receive.
The spinner game is along the same lines, the actual spinner has little commands all over it and you take turns spinning. Whatever you land on, you can either give or receive.
All in all, the games were cute. We did have fun playing the dice game, but every time Matt rolled, he got "nibble booty" and I was not about to bite his ass!
You can get this game or any of your other adult toy or adult gift at EdenFantasys.com. They have an incredible assortment of all kinds of fun games to play.
Posted by The Wife O Riley at 9:55 PM 9 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Review Part I
Now the moment that you all (or most of you) have been waiting for. Ladies and Gentleman, may I present to you The Artemis!

Posted by The Wife O Riley at 12:00 AM 15 comments
Labels: Adult Gifts, Adult Toys, Eden Fantasys, The Artemis
Monday, March 9, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Busy, Busy Weekend.
After that appointment, ( I lost 4 lbs. YAY!!) we went back to the bowling alley to catch the 3rd game and for me to find out that Matt's mom isn't dropping Vivi off. The weather was pretty crappy (rain) and Vivi was pretty tired and crabby. She was going to keep Vivi for another night.
We went into our room and it was gorgeous! A king size bed, 32"LCD TV, whirlpool bathtub and a balcony.

Posted by The Wife O Riley at 2:46 PM 15 comments
Friday, March 6, 2009
Acid Flashback Friday!
Just so you know, this is what it's like every Wednesday at my league.
I don't really want to be a stickler for the rules, but one or two of these bowlers might be a bit over the foul line. Just sayin'
Posted by The Wife O Riley at 12:00 AM 11 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Obviously, You Guys Need Some Schoolin'
Because all of you commented that you had never heard of Reaper, I decided to post this little video.
This show is an absolute riot! Check your local listings.
I don't have Showtime, so I've never seen Dead Like Me. I did look it up and I can watch it online, so I will be checking it out.
Posted by The Wife O Riley at 10:38 PM 11 comments
Posted by The Wife O Riley at 12:00 AM 7 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
I've Been Tagged to Reveal My Inner Freak.
Some of you who have been reading this blog for a while know about my quirks. But Donnetta over at Life in the Fast Lane tagged to list 6 weird things about me. Some of these maybe repeats, but I'll try to dig deep and come up with some of the newer quirks that I have developed.
1) I love watching the last episodes of TV shows that I never watched at all when it was on. I never understand what's going on, but I enjoy it just the same. I feel if I miss the last episode, I'm missing out.
2) Even though I may own a movie on DVD, if it comes on TV, I have to watch it. Even if it's cut and has commercials.
3) I'm found a boutique in Chicago that will dress you up as a pin-up and take your picture. I'm going in later this month. But I have to go by myself because none of my friends will do it with me.
4) I get really mad at Matt when he works too much and then I get really mad when he doesn't work.
5) I cry at parades, all parades. Even when we go to the Gay Pride Parade, I tear up.
6) I feel really bad for some of the Disney villains. Take Cinderella's stepmother, all she wanted was a better life for her daughters and because they were unfortunate looking, she did what she thought she had to do.
I'm not going to tag anyone, but if you want to leave your weirdest in the comments, feel free.
Posted by The Wife O Riley at 9:12 PM 20 comments