Saturday, November 1, 2008


This morning I wake up with a bit of a candy hangover. I know I have a lot of things to do today, but decided that Emerson's bowling league just isn't one of them this week. Matt is at work and the girls are sleeping in, so I grab some juice and sign in...

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, AN AWARD!!!!!

I received this very prestigious Superior Scribbler Award from my good friend Jess at Smiles in Easy Open Packages here. She is a young blogger with a very old soul. Read her now because she will truly be a famous Nobel Prize winning writer soon. (Read her then too)

There are rules for this award, and I will get to that at the end of the post.

This award means more to me than you might be aware, so now if you will indulge me, I'm going to tell you a short tale.

I started this blog about a year in a half ago after reading another blog. It seemed like a good way to meet new people and satisfy my creative need. After all, this particular blogger had a TON of comments and she said that she commented on everyone else's blog as well.

So, I created my blog, wrote my first post, commented back on her blog to let her know how she inspired me. and waited... and waited...and waited. She never commented. She never even came over to take a look.

Over the next couple of months the same thing occurred, I commented on her blog and she never did anything. I got really frustrated and hurt, so I quit.

Finally I realized that it wasn't my problem, it was her's, she was a BLOG SNOB! I was having a great time with my little blog, no matter if she accepted me or not. I started up again about 7 month later and haven't stopped. It has been everything I originally wanted and then some. I have found some great friends, read some wonderful posts and found the inner writer in myself.

I quit reading that other blog, and I have been happy about that decision.

So thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, Jess!

Now that I have bored you to tears, I will get on with the task at hand.

I now get give 4 other bloggers this award. Without further ado, the winners are...

Rachel at LIVIN and LOVIN

Enjoy your awards, and here is what you're suppose to do.

1) Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to their most-deserving Bloggy Friends.

2) Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award.

3) Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award.

4) Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor!

5) Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog.

I also received chickens for Cambodia as part of the Pay it Forward Award from Merc at BookBitten. I, in turn, will pay it forward by having Matt draw your favorite Disney Character with your child's name to put in his or her room. (No children? It can be a niece or nephew or your own name, we don't judge.) So, just post a comment to this INCREDIBLY long post and I will pick names out of a hat next Saturday.

Thank you for putting up with my random thoughts, I really didn't think it would be this long.


Jen said...

I love awards..

thank you!

ChicagoLady said...

Congrats on the Superior Scribbler Award! I'm so glad I've started reading your blog. You have an amazing ability to inject humor into every story, and I find myself giggling as I read your posts.

I'm so glad you kept up blogging, even after the Blog Snob snubbed you.

Jess said...

Ehehehe. Heehehe. I love you so much my smile is this big!!
You so deserve this award. You're really kind and always entertaining to read.

There's not being "into" commenting , and there's just plain rude. Maybe the person didn't notice your comment? Hmmm.
Congrats!! xx

Dorkys Ramos said...

Congrats!! You totally deserve it and I hope you continue blogging for a good long while after this :)

Amy said...

Congratulations! I have to be honest and say that I have no idea what I'm supposed to do...I'm such a virgin blogger and don't know the ins and outs of everything. Plus, I'm having what appears to be the onset of early labor pains as a result of some other ins and outs so I'm not thinking very clearly. But I want that Disney character! Don't I have some sort of inside pull being family and all?

Intense Guy said...

Oh, a Superior Scribbler Award winner!

It's really fitting you got this award - your blog always make me smile when I read it.

Queenie Jeannie said...

Congratulations!!! YOU ROCK!


Cass said...

Congrats on your award, your blog had me rollin! Thanks so much for stopping by & hope to see you again!

Sandy said...

Congrats on your award and thank you for visiting my blog:)

Anna Lefler said...

Hey - congrats on the award - you SO deserve it.

I know what you mean about the whole "where do I fit in in the blogosphere" and "who visits and who doesn't" and "why am I doing this and for whom" thing. Sounds like you've really worked through it and, from what I see, you're a natural who's bringing a ton of talent and humor to the table. I'm glad you got back in the saddle!



Toriz said...
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Toriz said...

Hi, I came over from Jess' blog.

You've got some really good posts on your blog. I can see why Jess gave you the award. :)

Rachel said...

Oh thank you soooo much! It must be my lucky day...I got this award on another blog I just great is that!
Thanks for the shout out too on your blog! LOVE IT!