Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Kingdom For A Good Night's Sleep!!!!

Why is it that when I get home from work, I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open? But when I go to bed, I am only asleep for about an hour and all of a sudden, I am wide awake?

Last night, I was having the hardest time staying awake through dinner, the girls bath time, and blogging. I finally decided that we were all going to bed at 8:30. The girls were asleep instantly and so was Matt. I fell asleep pretty quick as well.

Feeling quite rested, I wake up, turn over to look at the clock. It's 10pm. I have only been asleep of about an hour and a half. I roll over and go back to sleep. I do this again at 12am, 3am, and 5am. Each time it is getting harder and harder to fall back asleep.

I know that sometimes I wake up because I'm hot, sometimes because I hear a noise. But I think my biggest problem is falling back asleep. I start thinking about stuff and then I get anxiety and can't relax.

Without getting into too much detail, we are having huge problems in our little corner of the world. Because problems are what they are, they don't wait for one to be solved before piling on more. I feel overwhelmed and all alone.

I'm not sure how blogging or commenting are going to fit in right now, but I'm going to try my hardest not to fall off the face of the earth.


Call Me Cate said...

Without sounding too cliche, you need to do what you need to do. Don't worry about us because we'll be here when you get back.

I hope nothing too serious is keeping you awake at night and that things settle down soon for you.

Kimmy said...

I hope the problems aren't too serious. I can understand where you are at (as I was there earlier this month) and take the time you need to get things settled. We will be here when you get back. We'll miss you and be waiting. (((HUGS)))

Deanna said...

Why is it everything seems so much worse in the middle of the night when you can do nothing about it? When I have the problem you have, I keep a notebook next to my bed. I write down whatever it is that is bothering me and any thoughts I have at the time. It helped me immensely. I'd go so far as to say that it kept me sane (well kinda anyway).

Good luck with everything and hopefully things will sort themselves out. In the meantime, I will say a little prayer for you in my corner of the world.

Rebecca Jo said...

Oh no... hope you are OK... seems like problems are hitting so many right now.... you better not drop off - I'll miss you & your insight on things!!! Is there anything we can do? I'll for sure pray for you! Dont even need to know the specifics to pray - God knows...

But I too do the same thing - be SOOO tired all day, get in bed & the silence gets my mind going & I'm up for hours tossing & turning... I found playing soft music in the background really helps me.

Intense Guy said...

I hope the problems aren't serious too. Sometimes the dark of night makes even unimportant things seem larger than life.

I have an award waiting for you (it will be published tomorrow morning) - I hope it perks you up at least a little bit.

Anonymous said...

I suppose I could say, "don't worry be happy", but that solves nothing. Take care and if you are not here for a while that's okay.. Real life comes first.

The Blue Ridge Gal

Jess said...

If I'm having trouble sleeping, I find making a list (even if it's a really long one) of my problems, worries and things to do before bed makes me sleep so much better.

Good luck with getting some decent zzzs!

RSusanna said...

I'm so sorry you are feeling so overwhelmed and alone. Just know that you are not alone and one way or the other, eveything will work out......I know that sounds lame, but it will work out.

Kat Mortensen said...

I have the same trouble Becky. I take an herbal capsule called Valerian. It's not a drug, so you're not zonked out the next day - it simply relaxes you and lets you get to sleep and even if you wake up, you can easily go back into dreamland. Try it!


Lacey said...

I hope everything is okay! Problems always seem the most severe when you're in bed trying to sleep, don't they? Hang in there, it will all work out the way it's supposed to.

Heather said...

If you need to take a break, take it. We'll be here when you get back...

Praying for some peace for you in your little corner of the world. You know we are here for you anytime you need us.

Becky said...

I'm so sorry you are having a hard time. Feel free to email me if you ever want to:)

LadyStyx said...

Just gonna leave some *HUGZ* for ya as everyone else already said what needed to be said, and did it better than I ever could hope to.

Funny in My Mind said...

Oh, gosh, I understand. We are going through some stuff also and my insomnia worsens my temper!! Hope you all are ok!

ChicagoLady said...

I'm sorry you're having some struggles right now. If there's anything I can do, please let me know.

I like Punkn's suggestion, about writing it down in a notebook.

The one way I get myself relaxed and ready for sleep is to read for a bit. I know that probably won't help much when you're so tired to begin with, but perhaps when you wake up and can't shut your brain off and get back to sleep, if you go read for 15-20 minutes, it might help?


Toriz said...

*Hugs* Hope you can get some decent sleep soon. I also hope you manage to sort out those problems, whatever they happen to be.

Michelle said...

Praying for ya girl!