Thursday, April 9, 2009

I Have Come Out From Under The Covers.

Things were bad, really bad last week. We were dealing with what I like to call the "Disastrous D's" and it all seemed to have happened at once. But I think I might finally be OK to talk about it.

Demotion - On Wednesday I was told that after 7 years, I will no longer be the Office Manager of my job. Once we move (which is in about a month) they are going to give it to a woman who's job has been eliminated. She is not qualified for my job, she doesn't know payroll, the data processing programs, the purchasing programs, the billing process, or how to close the month. She's work as an executive assistant for 2 years and from what I saw on a daily basis, she only knew how to order lunch. I have been bumped down to Office Assistant, she will be my supervisor.

I'm sure that I don't have to tell you how hurt and humiliated I was on Wednesday. But unfortunately, the humiliation didn't end there. On Thursday morning, I mustered as much courage and self dignity I could and I went into work. That's when they told me that I was going to have to train her as well.

Now I ask you, how much do they think one person can take? But with the job market, I'm going to have to take it. I felt heartbroken, humiliated and hopeless, which brings us to our next "D".

Depression - On Thursday night I was so hysterical that Matt found it necessary to take me to the Emergency Room. Convinced that I was a danger to myself, they put me in a very small room, took every stitch of my clothing including my underwear and told Matt that he was not to leave me alone for a second. If he had to go to the bathroom, he had to call the nurses and they would come and sit with me. There was also a very big security guard that stood outside the door.

After blood tests, urine tests and a lengthy conversation with the Psychiatrist on staff, they finally let me go home after about 4 hours. They gave me a phone number for a Psychologist and a prescription for a non-narcotic sleeping pills that give me a hangover. Matt was told that he was not to leave me alone for 48 hours, so I stayed home from work on Friday.

Diagnosis - On Friday afternoon, my mother called me. She just wanted to tell me that my Stepfather had spoken with his doctor and has been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Now, I have been through this cancer thing more times than I care to count. My mother alone was diagnosed with breast cancer twice and has been cancer free for 8 years now. I know the statistics and the odds, especially with Prostate Cancer. It's very curable and very slow moving, but that doesn't make it any less scary. As strong as he wants to be, it's completely terrifying.

Disabled Car - On Saturday, we woke up to a very busy day full of bowling, birthday parties, doctor appointments etc. We went out to our car and nothing. It won't start and we are without a car for a few weeks until we can get it repaired. My friend Katie has been taking me to and from work and Matt's work van still is working, but to do anything else is impossible.

I felt so bad for Emerson. She was suppose to go to a birthday party at a hotel to go swimming and she was looking forward to it all week. She didn't cry or anything, but I vowed that she would go to the party. I groveled to my father, who really doesn't like to do anything that's inconvenient, and begged him to take her. Thankfully he did and she had a wonderful time.

Death - On Sunday, Matt was outside and when he came in he told me that our neighbor had died. He had moved away just 3 days previous to be closer to his mom. 2 days later she went over there to help him unpack and found him dead. He had an aneurysm and died instantly. He was in his late 40's. Now, I know that it is so not about me, but I feel so bad for his mom.

So there you have it folks. It's been a few days and I have been able to wrap my brain around all of it enough to let you guys know what's going on. I know that a few of you were worried and I'm sorry for doing that to you.

I am hanging by a thread right now, but I think I'll be OK. I will be catching up on everything you guys have been up to this weekend.


Kimmy said...

Oh wow!! I'm so sorry to hear all that you've been going through. You poor thing. I'll keep you in my prayers. Big HUGS dear friend!!

Intense Guy said...

I was sound asleep when something, I don't know what, made me wake up - restless, I checked my email and took a quick look at the Blogger Dashboard and saw you had posted some news. I'm sorry to hear all the of the things that you have been dealing with - and yet glad to see something from you (especially in light of what I posted not more that 30 minutes before you did.)

*Great big, big hugs for you* You have a dear hubby, a good family, and a crowd of friends that will do what they can to help see you get through this -

BloggessJ said...

Wow! I'm sorry about all of the ickyness that's going on right now. My YEAR has sort of been like your week and we're only 4 months into it. Hope things get better soon!


LadyStyx said...

Been there done that on some of it and it's definitely nothing I'd want to have to deal with again. All I can say is *HUGZ* and I hope things look up really soon!

ChicagoLady said...

I was beginning to wonder what had happened to you two, but figured one of you would fill us in when you could.

I'm so sorry things have been rough for you this past week. I can't even imagine what it must be like, to have to train your new supervisor. I've trained plenty of co-workers, but never a new boss. That had to totally suck!

Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help. I'm a really safe driver!

Toriz said...

I don't know what to say...

*Gives you a big hug*

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

I have been wondering where you were. I'm so very sorry all this has happened. I'll pray for the depression and the car and well all of it!!! Hope this weekend is a good one for you!

Rebecca Jo said...

Oh my goodness!!! My heart is breaking for you... you are being weighed down - aren't you!

I cant believe they are having you TRAIN this woman... I gasped when I read that!

And girl - I suffer from depression too... its hard... no one understands either unless you know that feeling...

I just wanna come find you & HUG you!!!

Michelle said...

God luv ya. I will pray for you honey. Keep your chin up at work. Everything happens for a reason, it just might be awhile before you know the reasons.

Dorkys Ramos said...

Aww I'm sooo sorry you have to go through these things! And that's some nerve for your company to demote you and then train the unexperienced replacement. I would've been so unbelievably mad as well.

You and your family will be in my thoughts. ((Hugs))

Deanna said...

I have been worried about you and yours. If it helps, you are not alone. Years ago I was faced with almost the same scenario at work that you are going through. In the scheme of things, hun, it just doesn't matter. You know your value. They are playing office politics.

I am so sorry to hear about all of your worries. You defenitely got D'd to death. Hang in there and know you are loved.

Donnetta said...

What a horrendous week - to say the least. I'm SO sorry!

Do you want me to fly out and kick your supervisor's ass? I will....

Big hugs.

Grand Pooba said...

Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! I am seriously surprised you are still sane enough to write a post about this horrible week! Please take it easy and take care of yourself!

Funny in My Mind said...

I cannot believe all that has hit you in such a short time. It really sucks about your job! Shame on them for doing that to you. Maybe if you train her badly (hee hee) they will fire her! Just leave out the important stuff and tell them you "forgot"
I will have you and your family in my prayers, Matt will take good care of you and you will come out stronger at the end.

Jenny and the Princess Peonies said...

I've got relatives in the mafia...

I am so sorry for all that has happened! It will get better. It has to right?

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's time to open your own bookkeeping business out of your home... tell corporate America to go to he##.

This may be opening up a window of opportunity for you my dear. *smiles*

The Blue Ridge Gal

Call Me Cate said...

Oh, girl... I wondered where you had been. What a horrible week. Hang in there - you WILL be ok. But what a miserable time going through it all. I'm thinking good thoughts for you.

Amy said...

Aw, Beck. That sucks, big time. I love you and will be thinking about you.

Becky said...

When it rains it freakin pours, doesn't it?

I'm so sorry...

Lacey said...

Oh honey, I am so, so sorry to hear all of this... You've had quite the week. Stay strong, hang in there, and know we're all here if you need to rant. (((HUGS)))

Nana said...

Well as my dad would say... That's the shits.

I don't blame you for feeling like you do about your job and you are right with this economy you are between a rock and a hard spot right now.

Hold your head up high and show em what you are made of!!

Depression can get you. I think you are in shock and damn mad and can't do anything about it.

I really do hope you get feeling better soon.

I hope your step dad will be o.k.

You are just getting hit with a sack full of rocks right now.

Everything will be alright, hang on to each other and ride this one out.


Cajoh said...

Sorry to hear about all the bad news. But the good thing is you are past it. Hang in there— we're rooting for you.

Heather said...


God must be trusting that you have a lot of stamina, girl. I'm sure you are wishing He didn't trust you all that much.

I think after all of that, you are entitled to a bit of depression, a bit of "that just sucks".

Just know that, besides your loving in-real-life family, your blog family is here for you as well. You let us love on you and encourage you as much as we can, 'kay?

Queenie Jeannie said...

Hugs, love and prayers. It's all I have, but it's all yours!!!