Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday Haiku To You!

School starts on Monday

My, where has the summer gone?

Last year in grade school


Anonymous said...

Walking every morning
Feeling better
Enjoying life.

Is that a haiku??

Have a great day!☼

Intense Guy said...

Last year in grade school? Wowsers those little ones of yours have really grown!

Jenny and the Princess Peonies said...

Bitter sweet. They will be missed I am sure.

betty said...

summer did fly by this year, didn't it? love the haiku and wishing your kids a successful school year! wow, last year in grade school, that is a milestone for sure; you'll blink and it wil be high school graduation......


JennyMac said...

Last year in grade school? Wow..they grow up fast.

Mine is only much ahead.

Liz Mays said...

No way. Last year??? Where has childhood gone?

LadyStyx said...

I love the screen shot you chose!

Nana said...

School starts alreay? Enjoy the last year in grade school, cuz it's all down hill from there. Not Really.

Grand Pooba said...

Oh no, last year? That means it's puberty time or getting close too it! AAAAACKKKK, I would never want to relive those times.

Hey I'm sure it'll be smooth sailin for you right? right?

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Awww, look at the Nemo school. My husband's favorite movie that he's seen a bazillion times and even has some of the lines from it memorized.. Ya, I know... he's a dork. lol

Hit 40 said...

I am loving the Haiku Wednesday. I have seen a couple while surfing today. Very fun!

My boys are getting older. One is in high school this fall and the other middle school. I am loving the high school thing because of all the activities that keep him busy...

and they are pretty much free!! Finally I am getting my tax money back a little.

Becky said...

Summers go faster and faster!!

Kimmy said...

Summer is just too short!! Love the picture too! I love Nemo :o)

Deanna said...

They do grow up too fast! Hope the girls both have a really good school year.

Unknown said...

Love the Haiku; I;ve neveer been good at those.

xxx said...

I hope you have had the summer of your dreams that you so much wanted and deserved

best wishes
Ribbon :)

ChicagoLady said...

Summer??? What summer??? Did I sleep through it?

"They grow up so fast!" Enjoy them while they're still young and listen to you, lol.