Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wednesday Haiku To You!

Is real life farming
just like it is on Facebook?
If so, I am good!


Anonymous said...

Yes, both are addicting!

Becky said...

Oh my gosh!!

Tatum does this, and I can NOT believe it!

I ask her why, and she says cause she would feel bad if her animals died now, and she doesn't know what else to do! So she feeds them everyday out of guilt!!

They're virtual!!!!! ACK!!!!!!

Deanna said...

Hubby just shakes his head and congratulated me when I got my mansion lol. He is a real farmer and it is just as hard for him to get away from the sheep for a vacation as it is for me to get away from Farmtown and Yoville lol.

Heather said...

I almost got sucked into Farmville.

But then my computer was attacked, and now I'm done with Facebook.

More time to scrapbook.

Too bad you can't eat your virtual produce. Think of all the money you'd save!

Rebecca Jo said...

why is it so freaking addicting??? I drive by REAL farms on my way home & think - "That needs to be harvested"... that's messed up! :)

Intense Guy said...


I suppose the real farmers get to smell the cow manure and have to wash their hands after work.

Someone needs to start a 12-step program for FB addicts...

betty said...

I hear so many people love that game on FB. I dare not venture over there or I'll never get anything done

keep on having fun over there!!


Kimmy said...

Very addicting! I got hooked, then overwhelmed by all the apps. Now I just do Yoville.

Queenie Jeannie said...

Oh no!!! Not you too!!!

Good grief, my husband is addicted to this game too. I try to talk to him and he's all "not now, I have to harvest my (fill in the blank)...!!!

But I guess we all have our little addictions, huh?

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

I have not even began any of those......I know I would get addicted!

Toriz said...

Not even close... Real life farming is dirty exhausting work that's not for the faint hearted (nor for those who like to sleep in). Farming games are easy, and can be done at your leisure. I think you'd be better sticking to the game version... You don't strike me as the kind of person who'd be eager to get up before the sun and wade through muck to milk cows, feed pigs, etc.

Funny in My Mind said...

Ugh. Never tried it. Have fun though!

Grand Pooba said...

I'd like to think so, I'm not too bad myself!

LadyStyx said...

Just the one addiction? Not bad. I've gotten hooked into 3 games. It used to be 6-8 games on 2 different accounts but I've weaned off most of them now.

Lacey said...

My boss plays this. Like... my BOSS. I call him to check on how he's doing in the field (the I.T. field, NOT the farm field), and he's like, "I gotta go, I need to take care of my strawberries real fast." DOUBLEYOU-TEE-EFF. Forsrs.