Ahhhh...21 Jump Street!!! When I was first introduced to a young Johnny via my television every Sunday night. I now own every episode the Johnny was in on DVD and can relive those early teen memories.
The #Dogs’ July 2024 Vet Trip
7 months ago
I am lovin' that jean vest. I had one and had it was covered with buttons and pins from all the concerts I attended. The 80's were the coolest.
Very 80s!
I never knew there was this many pictures of JD until now.
Thank you for the kind offer of lending me your new moon book! Luckily I have found a friend who I can filch it off, and you won't have to send anything from all the way over in the US!
Thank you so much though - I am gripped to Twilight I can't wait for NM, although I've been warned it's very sad!
Woops, perhaps a few too many exclamation marks. And I made such an effort not to put too many in!
I hope you are feeling much better now - it seems like you had a rather topsy turvy day yesterday.
The good doctor will tell you, "Take in 3 or 4 Johnny Depp DVD viewings and call me in the morning" - just don't forget to make the popcorn before ya start!
I LOVED 21 Jump Street! That was back before Johnny became all weird and moved to France to escape our awful country. He's still nice to look at, though.
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