Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Wednesday Haiku To You

You wanted to see

Feast your gazing eyes on us!

I was really tan.


Rachel said...

That is a great picture of the two of you!!!

Heather said...

Simply gorgeous!

You are smokin' hot with a tan. Although just think how pale Edward will look standing next to you...

Call Me Cate said...

Looks like a good time
thanks for sharing your photo
with little ole us.

Cammie said...


angi_b72 said...

Great pic I hoep you had a womderful time!!

Minxy Mimi said...

You do have nice color there!
Thats a wonderful picture!

RSusanna said...

Awwww! What a cute couple. I am impressed with the tan. Do you remember when self tanner made everyone look orange and left streaks?

LadyStyx said...

What a beautiful picture of the two of you!!

Rebecca Jo said...


Anonymous said...

My GOD what a beautiful couple!

Love the tan and that handsome beast next to you! LOL!

Amy said...

I see your mom in you here, Becky!

Anonymous said...

I came from Kat's blog. Great picture and blog.

Queenie Jeannie said...

Great picture! You both look really happy and that makes me happy!

ChicagoLady said...

Nice picture! You look like you just returned from a month on a tropical island!

Michelle said...

Girl, you two are lookin' fine but I want to see the whole dress!

Yeah, who is that sexy beast and what happened to Matt?

MaricrisG said...

Such a lovely couple and your Tan sure looks lovely!

Grand Pooba said...

If I could whistle I'd be whistling right now

Tara Bennett said...

Oh. What a lovely couple!

merc3069 said...

ok, admittedly I am in a heightened emotional state, but that brought tears to my eyes. I know Lefty would be thrilled with the way your life turned out.