Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wednesday Haiku To You

We are two days in

And Emerson loves her class

This year is better.
I would also like to wish my good friend Kimber over at I Know, Right?! a very happy birthday!


Deanna said...

Life is so much easier when they are happy going to school. Such precious little smiles there!

Intense Guy said...

Ah! Such heart-warming smiles!

I'm glad they are enjoying skool and I hope they always do.

Anonymous said...

I love the Field of Dreams hats!

Snappy Di

Grand Pooba said...

crossing fingers and knocking on wood.

Anonymous said...

Two cutie~patooties! Hey seeing their caps reminds me I need to get one for my morning walks...I think my bed-head is seriously scaring the squirrels...LOL!

betty said...

always good when they like their class; makes it sooo much easier getting them up and going in the mornings :)

adorable daughters you have!


Becky said...

Your girls are so darn cute, I swear! They have got just make you beam:)

So glad to hear the school year is off to such a great start:) The boys don't start till tomorrow, but Jake has got THE coolest teacher in the school and is on cloud nine (a man teacher-whoot!), and Tatum started today...{{le sigh}} a sophmore. Good thing baby is still home with Mama:)

Kimmy said...

Too cute!!! It's always a relief when our babies are happy in their new class.
Also, Happy Birthday Kimber!!

kim said...

aw...lady you made me smile :) thanks SO much for your bday wishes for me, this is the BEST bday ever with my youngest home for 2 weeks! :) Your girls..are simply beautiful.. :)

LadyStyx said...

Things are so much better when things go smoothly in school!

Hit 40 said...

You flipped into the Haiku loop!!! Nice. You did link with the other Haiku folks??? I noticed the Haiku thing last week. Fun idea.

Nana said...

I just have to say, so far so good then.

PictureGirl said...

I'm happy for you all, it is so much easier on everyone when the kids are happy in school.

Toriz said...

Good to hear. :)